The Peter Williamson RA23 Group C Celica, Driven in the Mid 1980,s by Classics & Collectibles founder Ross Forbes ( pictured )
This car was called the “AXE” Car after the 1978 Hardie Ferodo 1000 famous PitStop ” axe incident ” after Dick Johnson ran up the back of the Celica with Peter Williamson at wheel.
During this PitStop and directly after the incident, the Williamson PitCrew went to refuel the Celica and found the boot jammed close and took to it with an ” Axe ” to attempt to open the boot.
The Axe mark in the rear window scuttle still remains today.
This Car went onto to be the Chickadee Chicken Celica and then driven as a Sports Sedan in the Mid 1980″s by Ross
Here the 1978 Hardie Ferodo 1000 Preview